
Publications. We use this term broadly and deliberately do not set any boundaries. Each of our exhibitions is accompanied by text, images and sound: one or more pages, black and white or colour, in specialist magazines or the daily press, digital or printed, film or letter-based, as an in-house product or individual contribution as part of a compendium, and so on and so forth...

If possible, we would be happy to make our publications available to you. Please contact galerie(at) to clarify the details.

Scientific aspects of art education

Combining theoretical knowledge and practical work is an important part of our work. It is important to us to be available to you in this regard and to answer your questions competently. That is what we are here for!

You will soon find an overview of our publications here. 

Flyers, posters, town entrance banners ...

For each exhibition we develop our own key visual: a characteristic motif that can be found on every product. The individual design of color, font and look extends from flyers and invitation cards, posters, gallery and site entrance banners to the exhibition rooms and ensures the right exhibition feeling. Our flyer is like a booklet, as it contains details about the exhibition as well as the events calendar. You can find the flyer for download as a PDF file at the respective exhibition.

Art education for kindergartens and schools

The art education department of the >> Lower Remstal Art School accompanies our main topics and exhibitions in the form of guided tours, courses and projects for children, young people and adults. A team from the fields of museum education, art history and fine arts builds a bridge between the exhibitions and contemporary fine and performing arts with modern, diverse and varied methods of communication. The current special publication, which appears at the start of the exhibition, can be requested at kunstvermittlung(at) .

Postcards, exhibition catalogues and other

The shop would be missing something without our postcards: For each exhibition there is a selection of individual postcards with motifs of current exhibits. Depending on the season, we supplement this selection with special folding cards. Our catalogs are also available in the shop - our own ones that we have produced for an exhibition, as well as other printed works and specialist literature. Browse through the shop and discover one or two souvenirs. 

Trailer or film portrait

A lovely tradition is our exhibition trailer, which is published at the same time as the vernissage. Look forward to first insights into the current show and a welcome from the gallery director Dr. Anja Gerdemann and the curator. For the paper art scholarship, we created film portraits of the scholarship recipients for the first time. We let you participate in the creation of our exhibition, look over people's shoulders and bring the show to life digitally. Feel free to click through the various trailers on our >> YouTube channel .



Own catalogues

Workshop programs

Town entrance banner

Trailers or film clips


Other printed works


Kathrin Fechner

Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit | Marketing | Leihverkehr | Verwaltung Galerie Stihl Waiblingen

+49 7151 5001-1682 E-Mail senden

Kathrin Fechner

Besucherservice Kasse | Shop

Margit Haas. Christa Hübler-Rothaupt. Anja Wrana-Lytek Galerie Stihl Waiblingen

+49 7151 5001-1686 E-Mail senden